A Congregation of Hope in the Face of Adversity

If there is one thing that is certain about the Oberlin House of the Lord Fellowship, it is that they are a congregation of hope. Their faith, perseverance and optimism for the future has carried them through one of the worst crises in recent memory.

Everyone in the Church is coping with this crisis in their own way. For some, the pandemic has been a minor inconvenience, but they are generally happy to live and work from home. Others feel isolated. Some fear for their safety and the safety of others. Others are frustrated with the lack of work. Many are struggling with unemployment. A few are grieving unbearable loss, either after losing loved ones to Covid19 or other causes. Regardless of their individual circumstances, everyone I spoke to showed resilience and hope for a bright future at the end of the tunnel. 

Despite a mountain of uncertainty, the Oberlin House of the Lord has maintained its faith and used this time to grow, reflect and find the good in the world rather than wallow in self pity. Congregants have taken this time to reconnect and spend time with their families, reclaim their values, embrace God and improve themselves. 

Hope and Adversity