Background of the Oberlin House of the Lord Fellowship


The Oberlin House of the Lord Fellowship is a Pentacostal Church in Oberlin, Ohio with a strong focus on Ministry and social justice. The Church is led by Pastor Albert G (AG) Miller and his extraordinary First Lady Brenda Miller. The Miller’s officially joined the Brooklyn House of the Lord Fellowship in the late 1970s after visiting the Church for 5 years. The couple was drawn to the Church because it emphasized their primary Christian values; salvation, social responsibility, justice and Pentacostal beliefs. 

After a few years in the Church, the Miller’s relocated to Denver in the early 1980s. There was no preexisting Church in the area but they were able to remain connected to the House of the Lord, visiting for special occasions and keeping in regular contact with other members. In Denver, Pastor Miller was ordained and the couple began hosting a bible study. After relocating, the Miller family eventually helped to establish another bible study which eventually became the Philadelphia House of the Lord Fellowship which continues to worship as a congregation today.  

Eventually, Pastor AG took a teaching position at Oberlin College and established another bible study that met in their home. The group remained involved with other House of the Lord Fellowships and over time, this bible study group developed into the Oberlin House of the Lord Fellowship (OHOLF) that exists today. After many years of worshipping as a congregation in the Miller’s basement sanctuary, the Church has recently made an exciting move to their current location at 125 South Pleasant Street in Oberlin. 

OHOLF is a primarily black congregation but there are people of all races, skin tones and walks of life who are dedicated members of the House of the Lord. Congregants often describe the Fellowship as more similar to a family than a congregation of people who only know each other on Sunday mornings. OHOLF is set apart from other Churches by the way that members share a deep love for both God and each other. The intimacy of the community as well as the emphasis the Church places on social values and action has drawn many members to the Oberlin House of the Lord. 
