Surface humor during the pandemic

Many memes I came across directly addressed serious issues surrounding the pandemic, but many served to simply humor users. The image taken from The Office pokes fun at many college students’ offset sleep schedules. The displacement of students in combination with quarantine mandates have shifted the way people spend their time. There’s no class to walk to, and college campus experiences have most often become limited to their students’ houses, so many stay up later than usual. The person who created this meme expressed the harsh reality of moving away from school in a humorous manner. The other meme, which borrows an image from The Incredibles as a reference quote, interestingly futurizes the present moment. Capturing the recent events which highlight the past 6 years and portraying them retrospectively provides a humorous appreciation for our current condition. Although these two memes do not express political views or provide explicit social commentary, they provide meaning through their relatability.

Surface humor during the pandemic